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4.) Another element in this downward spiral of our economy is Foreign Investment in the U.S.

In the Reagan Administration, the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts said on Lou Dobbs' program that  "When foreigners acquire our assets, they acquire ownership of our real estate, of our companies, of the corporate and government bonds; thus we lose all the future income streams that are associated with the assets and it is a bad thing." 

According to a 2004 Department of Commerce data, (91%) ninety one percent of all Foreign Direct Investment in the United States by foreign companies between 1992 and 2002 was used  TAKE NOTE: " to acquire export control of the global assets of American - based corporations." 
We are essentially letting them (foreigners) acquire the export control of the global assets of AmeriCAN® based corporation and become the holders of the mortgage on our national treasury.  

When you consider the facts ( the purpose of acquiring  exporting control )and take into account the layoffs that almost always accompany foreign acquisitions of existing U.S. companies, the actual number of jobs created by foreign investment will be and has been a negative factor
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